I don't think I'm exaggerating when I say that my situation right now is the hardest and most excruciating thing I've had to deal with in my entire life by far. I am not kidding. And it's not funny.

I'm suffering mentally, emotionally, and even physically.

The worst part is that a doctor nor a nurse can heal me or even treat the pain to make it better. They can't prescribe me pain killers. They can't diagnose me with anything. They can't treat that deep open wound in my heart. Nothing.

Have you ever felt this kind of pain? If you have, then I hope that this pain is gone. If you haven't, I sincerely pray you don't go through this at all.

But to those who are going through it like me, let me tell you that I've been going to a Doctor than can heal our pain. :)

I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. Yup, He's the greatest Doctor anyone could ever ask for. Our BIG God.


When you're nursing a deep wound, you can't just let it heal on its own. You have to clean out and treat the wound; and that's usually coupled with tremendous pain.

But I've come up with an organized way to heal. It's nothing new, but in a state like mine, you're practically a modern Sisa. People like us need other people to keep us sane sometimes.

Here we go:

1. GO SEE THE DOCTOR. - He's waiting for you in the Blessed Sacrament. Tell Him how you're feeling and what you want Him to do about it. He'll be listening to you patiently and will heal you in exchange for nothing.

2. SHOW THE WOUND AND LET HIM TREAT IT. - Show Him how deep the wound is. Hold nothing back. Let Him see the deepest and most painful parts. Then let Him treat it. Let Him do all the cleaning, sewing, and bandaging. Expect pain but know that He's telling you that everything will be alright.

3. ALLOW TIME FOR HEALING. - I actually hate this part; and as much as I hate to admit it, it's necessary. No deep wound can heal in a day.

4. TAKE PAINKILLERS. - Laughter, for me, is the best painkiller. So are friends, family, and relatives. Hobbies are another. Counting your blessings, too. Alcohol is a great painkiller as well! HAHAHA! Let's remember moderation!

5. GO BACK FOR CHECK-UPS. - Go back to Him daily if needed. Let Him know the progress of your healing, the pain you're going through...just everything. Keep letting Him clean out the wound and replacing them with fresh bandages. Do yourself a favor and keep it away from infections that can make them worse.

Note: It's always polite to thank the Doctor after He treats you. :)

Let me tell you that I don't follow this all the time. I fail sometimes because the pain gets too unbearable. And I feel that's alright. What matters is that you know you're making progress each day, knowing that you will be alright. Because no one deserves this pain. NO ONE. Especially YOU. :)

So, friend, do you want to go to the Doctor today? Take my hand and let's go together. :)

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