I am a stubborn woman.

No matter how many times I am given the same advice, or how much I am warned about the consequences of my actions, I don't listen.

Let me stress my stubbornness a bit more. Even if I've been in the same situation before and know the ending of the whole story I've written myself in, I'd still refuse to turn away.

And I actually don't understand why. Well, there's the whole possibility of me being masochistic, but I think everyone has a tendency to want to hurt themselves once in a while—one way or another. So, I'm back to square 1. I still don't know the reason why.

But that's not really the point. I'll get to it, though. I promise.

So what does a stubborn woman get for throwing all caution to the wind? Pain. Grief. Sadness. Self‐pity. Aggravation.

But getting hurt a second—or even third— time around builds up your very core. Like gold that is tested in fire, you welcome the pain in order to burn away all weakness so nothing else remains but strength, radiance, and power.

So it does pay to be stubborn sometimes. You fall. Nurse your wounds. Pick yourself up. Stand up tall. Then continue moving forward.

Stronger than ever.

So never be afraid of getting hurt. Take risks. Allow yourself to grow. To fight. And keep moving forward. :)
2/7/2011 05:01:57 pm

Nice! All the best! Keep blessed!

2/15/2011 03:54:28 pm

Instant is good, no seizing the moment is sad.

2/17/2011 03:26:55 pm

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2/23/2011 09:31:15 am

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