I know that I should be working right now but I just need to purge this out of my system before 1. I go insane. and 2. It's something I feel is worth sharing.

After almost a month of fasting from _______ (and yes, almost a month because I started fasting two weeks earlier than everyone as I felt it was absolutely necessary to do it immediately), I fell from grace just a few hours ago.

I plummeted deeper and deeper into ignorant bliss, basking in the pleasure of getting what I wanted and savored the thrill of the fall.

And when you fall, you're bound to hit the bottom at some point.

And so I did. And it hurt. 

And I have no one to blame but myself.

But I've learned from the past that it's alright to fall once in a while. We're not perfect. We're only human after all. 


"We're only human after all."

Though this saying holds some semblance of truth, I believe that it's not enough of an excuse to make as many mistakes as you can. I'm pretty sure you can say the same.

We ARE human. Because we are human, we have the capacity to think and act beyond what is expected of ourselves. Your growth is the perfect sign of your humanity. You outgrow your old self in order to be renewed time and time again for yourself and for others.

Because we are human, we are born to be more than the mistakes we make. We are born to succeed

Believe that you are more than the times you've fallen. Believe that you can pick yourself up and walk back towards the path of healing and deliverance.

And believe me when I say that I'm here to walk with you. :)

Have a good week ahead. :)

P.S. I hope I made sense. Please let me know if everything I said was sheer nonsense and I will gladly scrap this entry out and just talk about how my last weeks as Junior is going. Okay, I'm totally rambling. Hahaha!